Ontime flight information
Ontime flight information

ontime flight information

Going much beyond 80% of flights on-time will be easier for some than for others. The very best airlines and airports succeed in punctuality closer to 90% - but they remain the exception rather than the rule. That’s 4 in 5 flights arriving within 15 minutes of their scheduled arrival time.

ontime flight information

Probably most people in the industry would accept that an OTP of 80% or above is pretty good. What should they be doing differently to improve their On-Time Performance? They need to be asking themselves why another airline or airport with just as challenging an external environment can perform better than they do? Are there processes which need to be adapted? Is there something about the way departments and teams interact that holds back productivity? While it’s great for the winners, who get to publicize their achievements in the industry and to consumers, the real lessons are for those companies whose names appear lower down in the rankings. With millions and millions of flight records, and real-time updates of hundreds of flights at airports around the globe every day, Any measure that can be applied across companies working in the same sector is valuable as a benchmark for performance.Īs in any sector, companies like to compete and there is always a bit of noise around the ‘winners and losers’ in any bench-marking exercise. Measuring On-Time Performance can be challenging.

ontime flight information

Airlines are keen to promote their OTP performance and be recognised as leaders.

ontime flight information

In Europe, where passengers are entitled to compensation for late flights, there is a direct cost associated with poor OTP. The knock-on effects of these disruptions to onward travel is far reaching. It means passengers miss connections and get upset. It means flights spend longer on taxiways burning fuel unnecessarily. Poor punctuality means flights arrive at their gate late or depart late, with consequences for other flights planning to use those gates. HOW CAN AIRLINES AND AIRPORTS IMPROVE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION?


Managing expectations is necessary and On-Time Performance flight and airline statistics provides an external verification about flight reliability, so passengers can be better informed regarding the probability of their flight operating on-time. Customer satisfaction is influenced by customer expectations and a flight that arrives after the scheduled arrival time can be a stressful experience for passengers. OTP is a valuable metric for airlines and is an outward demonstration of reliability which can affect brand loyalty and ticket sales. HOW CAN FLIGHT ON-TIME PERFORMANCE DATA BE USED? Many airlines choose to use OTP as one of their performance measures for staff, encouraging teams to work together towards the efficient turnaround of aircraft. They can understand how operations at different locations perform to understand and learn from best practice. ground handling and use OTP within their systems to support better collaboration and efficiency. Many airlines have embedded OTP as a KPI using this to measure and evaluate processes and identify improvements to their operations.Īirlines and airports can analyse operational processes with different stakeholders e.g. Delays affect productivity and cost airlines thousands of dollars every year. OTP has a critical role to play in airline operations management.

Ontime flight information